śrī śivakāmeśvarī Devasthānam (Temple)
Divine Vibrations & Community Wellbeing
Promoting Spirituality, Art, Culture, Social Service & Vedic education
NON PROFIT FED ID#: 83-1669026. All donations are tax deductable.
Today Panchang
Sun Rise/Set : 6:19 - 17:50
Tithi : S.Ashtami 19:49 -
Varam: Thursday
Nakshatram : Rohini 10:34
Varjyam: V. 16:02-17:36
Durmuhurtam: DM(1):10:09-10:55, DM(2):14:46-15:32


Archana is a Worship that is conducted at temples as a way of thanking God. We perform these Archanas twice daily in the Temple, along with a special daily "Trishati" Archana to Goddess Sivakameswari. When we do Archana to a particular deity, we thank the Almighty for the good things that have been bestowed upon us and the forbearance endowed on us while facing turbulences in life.
Archana means ‘praising’ or ‘honoring’ by multiple recitations of the Almighty's name. For example, it can be done 108 times (Ashtottara), or 1008 times (Sahasranama). These Archana's can be performed on the occasions of birthdays, anniversaries, or any happy, successful moments in our life to thank God. During these Archanas, the priest will recite your Gotram, Nakshatra, and Name, and offer the Archana on behalf of you to the requested deity. You may sponsor these Archanas occasionally, monthly, or annually. Sponsor Archana to your favorite deity on any special event like Birthdays, Wedding days etc. Now you can subscribe to automatically do it every year on the same day or even monthly!