॥ श्री मात्रे नमः - śrī mātre namaḥ ॥
॥ श्री शिवकामेश्वरी रक्षतु - śrī śivakāmeśvarī rakṣatu ॥
॥ ॐ नमः शिवाय - ॐ namaḥ śivāya ॥
śrī śivakāmeśvarī Devasthānam (Temple)
Divine Vibrations & Community Wellbeing
Promoting Spirituality, Art, Culture, Social Service & Vedic education
NON PROFIT FED ID#: 83-1669026. All donations are tax deductable.
Today Panchang
Sun Rise/Set : 6:53 - 19:05
Tithi : K.Ekadashi 15:16 -
Varam: Tuesday
Nakshatram : Shravanam 15:19
Varjyam: V. 19:05-20:36
Durmuhurtam: DM(1):09:20-10:08, DM(2):23:48-24:36

Covid Guide Lines

We are happy that our Temple is open and running after the two years of the Pandemic. Though we are all still experiencing a difficult time with the different variants of COVID, the Temple is still up and running. Therefore, it is extremely important that we follow all CDC guidelines with extra precaution on all temple premises. We requested all visitors at the Temple to please keep you face masks on while on Temple premises and abide by social distancing rules.

We are making sure that we sanitize and keep the Temple clean for all the Temples. We request you all to do your part and cooperate to help keep our Temple clean and safe. We are praying that this virus, with all its variants, will soon be behind us, and that things will return to normalcy soon. Please adhere to the following guidelines until then:

  • Inside Temple: Enter the Temple Lobby Entrance and exit from South Entrance facing the Washrooms.
  • If you intend to do any voluntary help as agreed upon by temple management, please use a sanitizer near the temple entrance to clean yourhands before you enter the temple.
  • Maintaining social distance is critical and we will have markers helping to maintain the social distance. As you enter the temple, please stick to the social distance markers (Blue Stickers) and complete darshan and follow the markers to exit.
  • Please ensure toddlers and kids are with you and not running around.
  • Wear a mask throughout your stay at the temple and temple premises.
  • Please minimize social interactions with temple staff or priests or fellow devotees at the temple. You are always welcome to call and have a conversation over the phone.
  • Please talk to the volunteer or priest in the temple if you would like to perform Archana.
  • If you are looking to perform any poojas please contact priest services to schedule