Temple Etiquette

At the Sri Siva Kameswari Temple, our mission is to promote the traditional culture of Sanatana Dharma, to enable all devotees to come closer to the Divine Mother Sri Siva Kameswari, and to encourage spiritual values like modesty and respect. We aim to teach the next generation about our culture and values. Recognizing that the way we dress and the way we act has a huge impact on ourselves as well as others around us, we ask that you follow our dress code and etiquette guidelines. These guidelines have been created to help you have the best possible experience and to help everyone enjoy their experience at the Temple.
Temple Dress Code
- No loose hair all long hair must be tied securely
- No hats, especially when taking Prashad and actively praying
- No shorts or short skirts
- No leggings
- No tank tops or tube tops
Please be aware that this dress code applies equally to both men and women. Men are required to wear either veshti, kurta pajamas, or long pants (extending below the calf muscle). Ladies are required to wear either pants or a long skirt (extending below the calf muscle), sari, or salwar kameez.
Temple Etiquette
At the Sri Siva Kameswari Temple, many of our customs are different from those at other Temples, so we understand that some visitors might not know what to expect. Please review our etiquette guidelines, so that we can help everyone enjoy their experience at our Temple.
Please keep noise/talking to a minimum when pujas or homas are in progress. Excessive talking is distracting to the volunteers as well as for the devotees. Please help us to maintain an atmosphere of devotion and respect.
Please do not allow your children to run or play unattended. Children must not run anywhere inside the Temple. Not only is this distracting for the volunteers, but it could also be dangerous for the children. Not only are there many exposed lamps in the Temple, but there are also many sacred murtis that could be damaged or knocked over. To ensure a sacred atmosphere as well as everyone’s safety, please do not allow your children to run in the Temple or play unattended.
Please silence your cellphones while in the Temple. Cellphones often interfere with our sound system, so please try to limit their use.
You may only touch the murtis outside the main three shrines. The main three shines are only accessible to authorized personnel. We ask that you limit yourself to touching ONLY the lotus feet of the deities. If you have any questions or concerns about our dress code or other policies, please feel free to contact us at info@sivakameswari.org, or at 949-468-7999