Significance of Founding Family Renewal Yearly Donation

Dear Temple Founding Members,
I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year. I hope you all had a pleasant and successful 2023, and may Goddess Sivakameswari bless you and your family and give you happiness and prosperity in the upcoming year.
We concluded the year 2023 successfully with many public events such as the Vedic Conference on the Vedas, Maharudram with the participation of thousands of devotees, vibrating and powerful chantings, and by celebrating many more festivals and rituals with the support of community. We have also supported many shelters around the area by donating sandwiches every Sunday prepared by our enthusiastic volunteers and youth. I thank you once again from the bottom of my heart for all your continued love and support.
I humbly request you all to please donate a Dollar a Day to the Temple, apart from your Founding Membership. This contribution by you will greatly help the Temple in its sustenance so that it can keep providing quality services for our community.
All pujas in the Temple for all Founding Members are taking place every day, including Full Moon (Pournima) “Navavarana Sri Chakra Puja”. Please collect your monthly Prasadam during your next visit to the Temple. Please click here to make your yearly donation for our Temple’s sustenance fund.
We are looking forward to serving the community with many more programs in the upcoming year of 2024. Thank you,
Pundit Sharma Samavedula
“Sri Sivakameswari Anugraha Siddhirastu”